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Our vision is summed up in three words:  hope, opportunity and beyond 


A church for the whole city, helping people find friendship with God and discover real hope, life and adventure.

A church of opportunity, where we can all play a part in the community, growing individually and together into all God has made us to be. 

A church for beyond the city boundaries, as we help start similar communities in Yorkshire, the UK and in other nations.

“What’s CCL like, then?” The best way to find out is to come along one Sunday morning and get a taste!

​In a nutshell, we’re a friendly, lively church made up of people from around Leeds, the UK and other nations. We believe what God has done through the death and resurrection of Jesus has changed human history, changed us and can change anyone. We’re excited by this, and offer a space where people explore faith and grow in their relationship with God.

Church as Family

​For us, church is a family where we care for one another and can all play a part. We’re an evangelical charismatic church, which means that our beliefs are rooted in the Bible; this shapes how we seek to live individually and together. Being connected through strong relationships with other churches is very important to us and we are part of the Salt and Light Family of churches in the UK and beyond.

Church as Community

​It’s great to gather together on a Sunday and we also meet at different times in the week to worship, pray and study the Bible. We are determined to love and honour Jesus Christ, both when we gather as church and in our whole lives. Find out more about Community Groups here.

​Church as a Place of Opportunity

​CCL is a church of opportunity. Mentoring is available for everyone so we can grow in faith and play our part in God’s work to transform our lives, families and communities. We also offer opportunities to lead, minister, serve and discover our God-given gifts and talents.

So why not come along to Notre Dame School one Sunday morning to try it out – we’d love to welcome you! 


Ⓒ Community Church Leeds


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